week students will be:
- Exploring minerals and the composition of the Earth’s crust
- Learning the 9 key tests to identify a mineral
- Completing a lab over mineral identification for our comprehension check.
Homeroom: Report Card Goals (Pink Sheet) due back by November 8th!
Monday: Today we:
- Introduced our new unit Rocks, Minerals, and the Rock Cycle (Chapter 2 Lessons 1-6)
- Organized our composition notebooks so we are prepared for our notebook check on November 8th.
- Began looking at 2.1 by discussing the five characteristics of a mineral and how this differs from rocks pages 32-34, and then completed at least 3 of the 5 characteristics in our notebook.
Tuesday: Today we:
- Continued looking at 2.1 by discussing the five characteristics of a mineral and how this differs from rocks pages 32-34, and then completed the remaining 2 of the 5 characteristics in our notebook.
- Began discussing the 9 different tests you can run on any object to determine if it is a mineral or not and prepared for our hands-on activity tomorrow.
Wednesday: Today we:
- Finished discussing the 9 different tests you can run on any object to determine if it is a mineral or not.
- Explored the various tools used to complete the 9 tests with some hands-on learning experience.
- Completed an online lab experiment with a Brainpop game "Master Mines" in order to assess our understanding of how to perform the 9 mineral identification tests.
- 7th Hour needed to work together as a team to complete the assessment and so we will be needing a follow-up assessment tomorrow to make sure our understanding is clear.